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Surgical Error Lawsuit

Pre-Settlement Funding: Surgical Error Lawsuit


It’s understandable that with any surgery, even a minor procedure, there is some level of risk involved. However, patients having surgery often do so with the expectation that their medical team will do their part to ensure the best outcome possible. It’s one thing if something happens that is out of anyone’s hands, but alas, many unfavorable outcomes are the direct result of surgical errors. When this happens, a surgical error lawsuit may result. In some cases, it may be the patient who pursues a surgical error lawsuit after the fact. In cases involving fatal surgical errors, it may be someone close to the patient who pursues a lawsuit.

Although there are several different types of medical errors that occur, surgical errors are becoming more common. Connecticut recently conducted a state-wide hospital study that revealed in one recent year, there were approximately 500 medical errors in hospitals, many of which included surgical errors. This may not seem like much, but bear in mind that was just a one-year period and that Connecticut is a small state. The study also revealed that some of the most common surgical errors that occurred included:

Wrong-patient surgeries also occur, although these types of surgical errors are much rarer. Colorado also conducted their own statewide study, which revealed a total of 25 wrong-patient surgeries occurring over a six-year timespan. It may be difficult to pinpoint what exactly causes surgeons to make such errors of such magnitude, but one report suggests that surgeons make significantly more mistakes when they’re stressed out.

Surgical errors can cause a wide range of adverse effects and illness, and in some cases, may also be fatal. The Alliance for Safety Awareness for Patients offers some helpful tips for patients about to undergo surgery that can help prevent surgical errors from occurring. The alliance suggests that all patients thoroughly research their doctor and the hospital they’ll be having the operation at. It’s also crucial to remind your medical team of your name and what procedure you’re having, as well confirming the surgical site beforehand.

Are you waiting on a medical malpractice lawsuit to settle due to a surgical error, but need to receive money sooner? Contact USClaims today to learn how pre-settlement funding can help you get money in a shorter timeframe.

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