Personal Injury

When a person’s negligence results in harm to you, a personal injury lawsuit can arise. That doesn’t mean, however, that you’ll get paid right away. In fact, many victims find themselves dealing with pain and suffering after the original incident, including extensive medical bills and lost wages, and some may even find their quality of life permanently affected.

When these situations occur, pre-settlement funding from USClaims can bridge the financial gap so that plaintiffs in ongoing lawsuits can get by while awaiting their settlements.

Understanding Personal Injury Loans

According to the National Safety Council (NSC), there were 224,935 preventable injury-related deaths[1] in 2021 plus 62 million preventable medically consulted injuries in the same year. While not all of these injuries resulted in personal injury lawsuits, the statistics show that many are due to car accidents. From drunk or distracted drivers to defective automobiles, these accidents are examples of situations where USClaims might provide personal injury advances on settlements.

Personal injury advances occur when plaintiffs in lawsuits against individuals, manufacturers, or other businesses need a cash advance against their potential settlements. In these instances, a personal injury lawsuit funding company such as USClaims provides those expecting settlements with a percentage of their potential award. This personal injury funder is paid after the settlement occurs, and then the plaintiff collects the sum minus the personal injury advance and associated fees.

Benefits of personal injury loans on settlements

While lawsuits may settle quickly, and sometimes even out of court, others take much longer. All the waiting, not to mention the expense of attorney’s fees, can take a mental and financial toll on victims. Fortunately, personal injury funding from us can provide more financial stability while your case is in the settlement process.

These advances provide the money you need for immediate bills and expenses or to access the quality medical treatment you need for recovery. Since you’re not under so much financial stress when you get a personal injury advance on a settlement, you’re also in a better place to negotiate a fair award for your suffering.

USClaims: Your Trusted Pre-Settlement Funding Partner

When you need personal injury funding from a top-notch company with high appreciation from customers, turn to USClaims. As your trusted pre-settlement partner with years of experience in the industry, we make the process simple and convenient.

We offer confidential service, never getting between you and your attorney, and we charge no upfront fees and perform no credit checks. Unlike with traditional bank loans, personal injury advances are not loans and are nonrecourse, so you don’t have to pay anything if your lawsuit isn’t successful.

Who Qualifies for Personal Injury Loans?

If you’re a plaintiff in a personal injury lawsuit with a mature claim, you may be eligible for a personal injury advance from USClaims. A mature claim, in this instance, means that you incurred a serious injury, you have hired an attorney, you have filed or plan to file a suit, and your claim has a strong chance of winning. Additionally, for USClaims to consider your case for personal injury funding, you must have hired your attorney on a contingency basis.

Some common types of personal injury cases a victim may receive pre-settlement funding for include, but are not limited to:

Factors that determine funding approval

When you apply for personal injury lawsuit funding with us, we carefully consider the strength of your case against the defendants. Likewise, we look at the potential settlement amount for the personal injury lawsuit and the settlement process timeline.

Our years of experience in pre-settlement funding lets us provide you with a fair, fast offer with no hidden surprises if you meet our qualifications.

The Benefits of Choosing USClaims

With years of experience in the pre-settlement funding industry, we understand our customers’ needs and offer competitive interest rates, up-front pricing, and flexible repayment options. Because personal injury lawsuit funding is not a loan and is nonrecourse, you don’t have to pay if you don’t win your case. Best of all, you can use personal injury advances any way you like for your personal necessities, from paying your everyday expenses to covering medical bills.

Maximize Your Personal Injury Settlement with USClaims

When you need help getting by while waiting for a personal injury settlement, look to the team at USClaims for help. Our personal injury funding service can provide you with access to the money you need for expenses while awaiting lawsuit settlements. This type of pre-settlement funding offers customers some breathing room to cover their bills and even hold out for a larger settlement.

Our years of experience helping attorneys and clients seeking personal injury funding make us your ideal partner for pre-settlement funding. Take a look at some common pre-settlement funding questions and call us at 1-877-USCLAIMS to get started with your application.


Can you use pre-settlement funding for any expense while you recover from your personal injuries?

Yes, you can use it for any of your personal needs. When we provide you with pre-settlement funding, you can use the funds for things such as bills and medical expenses to tuition and transportation. And you’ll never need to justify how you use the money.

How long does it typically take for you to receive pre-settlement funding for your personal injury lawsuit?

Once we approve your personal injury funding, we create a purchase agreement. Our customers typically get their litigation cash advances within 24 hours of signing their purchase agreements.

Will personal injury advances affect the outcome of the lawsuit?

Personal injury advances don’t affect the outcome of your lawsuit. We will never interfere you’re your case or compromise the integrity of personal injury lawsuits.


  1. “Overview.” Injury Facts,

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