Workplace Accidents

Workplace Accidents

Despite federal safety protections, workplace injuries remain commonplace. More than 2.6 million American workers[1] received injuries on the job in 2021, according to the U.S. Department of Labor, and just under half of them required time off work to recover. If you’re disabled in a workplace accident, you may be in a financially precarious situation.

By taking time off work to recuperate, you may have to make financial sacrifices, such as choosing between paying your mortgage or keeping your electricity on. In the worst cases, workers also face mounting medical bills, adding to an already steep financial burden.

Are you waiting for your workplace accident lawsuit to settle in court and worried about your ability to keep up with your expenses? If so, we can help. Contact USClaims to learn how you can get pre-settlement funding for workers compensation cases today.

Workplace Accidents Can Happen Easily

Workplace accidents can occur for all kinds of reasons, from a slip and fall to contact with hazardous materials. Some of the most common causes of workplace accidents include, but are not limited to:

Some injured parties blame themselves for an accident, but this is not often the case. In most circumstances, the accident might not have occurred if more protections and safety measures were in place. In reality, any major accident resulting in injury that requires treatment could be grounds for a workplace injury lawsuit. 

Who Could Be Liable for Your Workplace Accident?

An accident at any work site can lead to a complicated lawsuit that may take many months to come to a successful conclusion — and for you to get your settlement money. If you’re still deciding if you should file a lawsuit stemming from your workplace injury, take into consideration that there could be other parties who are responsible for your injury, such as:

  • The Property Owner: Even though the property owner may not be present when you injure yourself, they’re still required to provide a safe workplace for employees and contractors.
  • The Employer: Even if an employer doesn’t own a building outright, they’re still required to keep their workers safe. As such, many workplace injuries will still fall under the purview of an employer.
  • Contractors and Third-Parties: Your injury at work could have stemmed from interactions with a subcontractor or another third-party worker, and if so, they could also be liable.
  • Other Employees: While it’s not common for other employees to cause workplace accidents for which they could be liable, this can and does happen from time to time.

In addition to the parties mentioned above, there can be even more companies and individuals who could be accountable for your accident. However, in many cases, insurers cover workers or their employers operating in any workplace, and your workplace injury lawsuit could reach a larger settlement as a result. Of course, adding an insurance company to a lawsuit may increase the time it takes to reach a settlement.

What Types of Injuries Could You Suffer at Work?

While workers compensation programs often pay for medical treatment and lost wages, they don’t cover pain and suffering, nor do they hold employers accountable for negligence. If you sustained an injury due to an act of negligence, your attorney may help you file a workplace accident lawsuit to fight to hold the company accountable for that unsafe environment.

Don’t let a workplace injury jeopardize your financial future. USClaims can help with all kinds of workplace settlement funding.

Some of the common types of injuries that workers may experience include:

  • Head injuries
  • Back injury at work
  • Hernia injury at work
  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Broken bones and fractures
  • Lost limbs or amputations
  • Repetitive stress injuries

Each person’s injury and recovery time are unique, so there’s no single way to cope with a workplace injury. Depending on the severity of your injury, pre-settlement funding could make a huge difference while you wait for your workplace injury lawsuit to settle.

Financial Assistance When You’ve Been Injured at Work

The type of financial assistance you can expect after a workplace injury will depend on how you got hurt and the severity of your injury, including whether you suffered one injury or multiple injuries. For example, if you fall from a ladder, you could suffer head and back injuries which can lengthen your recovery time. A severe injury that requires more treatment, such as surgery, may also impact the size of your settlement.

With a long recovery process, you may need financial assistance that includes pre-settlement funding to help make ends meet. In addition to pre-settlement funding, there are other resources that you may want to consider to help you throughout your recovery:

  • Government Disability. If you’re unable to work for more than a year, you may be eligible for SSDI (Social Security Disability Insurance). While the benefit could be nearly $1,500/month, you must be eligible. There is a five-question process to see if your injury qualifies to receive disability benefits[2].
  • Workers Compensation Insurance. Workers’ compensation insurance (often referred to as “workers comp”) is a key part of the available financial assistance when you’re injured. Workers comp can cover all medical expenses and even lost income. Keep in mind that workers comp doesn’t cover “pain and suffering,” which is why you often have to file a lawsuit to get full restitution for your injury. Be sure to learn the ins and outs of whether there’s workers’ compensation insurance in place at your job that could help. 
  • Accident Insurance. Some employers offer additional accident insurance benefits to help their employees. This could be a source of financial assistance for you during your time of need. If you signed up for a type of supplemental insurance provided by an insurance company such as Aflac or Prudential, make sure the company is aware of your injury and expenses so you can receive your entitled benefits.

When you suffer an injury at the workplace, whether on the road for business travel or simply in an office, it’s important to have as many sources of financial assistance as possible to ease the burden on you and your loved ones.

Get the Financial Assistance You Deserve While Your Case Settles

Settling a legal case after a workplace injury can take a lot of time. That’s why USClaims is here. We understand the intricacies of legal cases related to workplace accidents, and we can get you the money you need upfront while your attorney works to secure a fair settlement. If you sustained an injury on the job and need workplace settlement funding now, we can help.

At USClaims, we offer pre-settlement funding to help you in your time of need. If a case qualifies for pre-settlement funding, we purchase a portion of the anticipated court judgment or settlement proceeds and give you that cash now—up to 12.5% of the anticipated gross value of the case. Get answers to our frequently asked questions, or call us today at 1-877-USCLAIMS to learn more.


What happens if you lose your workplace accident case after receiving pre-settlement funding?

If you lose your case, that’s okay — you won’t have to pay the workplace injury lawsuit advance back. Litigation funding is a non-recourse financing method, meaning the money is yours to keep. You’d only have to pay back an advance if you lie or misrepresent your case. 

How much funding can you receive for a workplace accident case?

The amount of funding you can expect to receive depends on the nature of your lawsuit, the extent of your injuries, and any treatments required. In general, you can expect to receive around 10% of the value of an anticipated settlement, but it will ultimately vary based on the unique factors of your cas


  1. “Bureau of Labor Statistics Data.”, Accessed 12 July 2023.
  2. “How You Qualify | Disability Benefits | SSA.”,

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